Report date: Apr 16, 2024 Conflict count: 351559 Publisher: Escola Superior de Educacao de Paula Frassinetti Title count: 1 Conflict count: 22 ========================================================== Created: 2017-01-30 10:34:09.0 ConfID: 5194282 CauseID: 1401073335 OtherID: 1401069373 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Oliveira, 21 ,21,132,2016,Educar é transformar o mundo DOI: 10.17346/se.vol0.249(Journal) (5194282-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se.vol21.249(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-11 04:44:10.0 ConfID: 5279701 CauseID: 1413518507 OtherID: 1413518428, 1413518507 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Ferreira,null,14,null,2009,Edu-LE: English teaching in Madeira (students from 3 to 12 years old) DOI: 10.17346/se.vol14.125(Journal) (5279701-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se14.125(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-11 04:44:10.0 ConfID: 5279702 CauseID: 1413518507 OtherID: 1413518428, 1413518507 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Silva,null,14,null,2009,A interpretação do erro e a consciência metalinguística - um estudo com alunos de origem cabo-verdiana DOI: 10.17346/se.vol14.128(Journal) (5279702-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se14.128(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-11 04:44:10.0 ConfID: 5279703 CauseID: 1413518507 OtherID: 1413518428, 1413518507 JT: Saber & Educar MD: André,null,14,null,2009,Interpretações do mundo e multiculturalismo: incomensurabilidade e diálogo entre culturas DOI: 10.17346/se.vol14.129(Journal) (5279703-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se14.129(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-11 04:44:10.0 ConfID: 5279704 CauseID: 1413518507 OtherID: 1413518428, 1413518507 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Trevisan,null,14,null,2009,Intervenção comunitária e inclusão social: o educador e os actores DOI: 10.17346/se.vol14.130(Journal) (5279704-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se14.130(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-11 04:44:10.0 ConfID: 5279705 CauseID: 1413518507 OtherID: 1413518428, 1413518507 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Cid Fernández,null,14,null,2009,Intervenção Comunitária e Práticas de Inclusão DOI: 10.17346/se.vol14.131(Journal) (5279705-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se14.131(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-11 04:44:10.0 ConfID: 5279706 CauseID: 1413518507 OtherID: 1413518428, 1413518507 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Klein,null,14,null,2009,La méthode naturelle à l’école maternelle / O método natural na escola pré-primária DOI: 10.17346/se.vol14.132(Journal) (5279706-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se14.132(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-11 04:44:10.0 ConfID: 5279707 CauseID: 1413518507 OtherID: 1413518428, 1413518507 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Maia Fontes,null,14,null,2009,Literatura Infantil: Raízes e Definições DOI: 10.17346/se.vol14.134(Journal) (5279707-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se14.134(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-11 04:44:10.0 ConfID: 5279708 CauseID: 1413518507 OtherID: 1413518428, 1413518507 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Moreira,null,14,null,2009,O Tema da Cidadania DOI: 10.17346/se.vol14.135(Journal) (5279708-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se14.135(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-11 04:44:10.0 ConfID: 5279709 CauseID: 1413518507 OtherID: 1413518428, 1413518507 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Ribeiro,null,14,null,2009,O Papel da Transferência na Aprendizagem de Línguas Estrangeiras no 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico DOI: 10.17346/se.vol14.136(Journal) (5279709-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se14.136(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-11 04:44:10.0 ConfID: 5279710 CauseID: 1413518507 OtherID: 1413518428, 1413518507 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Serra,null,14,null,2009,Paradigmas da Inclusão no Contexto Mundial DOI: 10.17346/se.vol14.137(Journal) (5279710-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se14.137(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-13 05:58:13.0 ConfID: 5280063 CauseID: 1413920043 OtherID: 1412082580 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Ramalho,null,22,82,2017,A Regulação da educação social como profissão: uma análise aos processos da regulação da identidade e do estatuto socioprofissional do educador social em Portugal e no Brasil / The regulation of social education as a profession: an analysis of the process DOI: 10.17346/se.vol0.258(Journal) (5280063-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se.vol22.258(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-13 05:58:13.0 ConfID: 5280064 CauseID: 1413920043 OtherID: 1412082580 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Pérez-de-Guzmán,null,22,34,2017,Profesionalización y ámbitos profesionales de la Educación Social: formación en género desde la universidad DOI: 10.17346/se.vol0.267(Journal) (5280064-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se.vol22.267(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-13 05:58:20.0 ConfID: 5280065 CauseID: 1413920045 OtherID: 1412082580 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Barros,null,22,44,2017,Desafios epistemológicos e metodologia de intervenção da pedagogia-educação social – reflexões numa zona de fronteira/ Epistemological challenges and methodology for intervention of social pedagogy-education – reflections in a border zone DOI: 10.17346/se.vol0.252(Journal) (5280065-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se.vol22.252(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-13 05:58:20.0 ConfID: 5280066 CauseID: 1413920045 OtherID: 1412082580 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Azevedo,null,22,62,2017,Educação Social: caminhos percorridos, desafios e oportunidades contemporâneas. Aproximações entre Portugal e o Brasil/ Social Education: paths covered , challenges and contemporary opportunities. Approaches between Portugal and Brazil DOI: 10.17346/se.vol0.259(Journal) (5280066-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se.vol22.259(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-13 05:58:20.0 ConfID: 5280067 CauseID: 1413920045 OtherID: 1412082580 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Rodrigues,null,22,14,2017,Panorama da Educação social no Brasil: o papel e importância da militância e das associações de educadores socais / Panorama of social education in Brazil: the role and importance of militance and associations of social educators DOI: 10.17346/se.vol0.271(Journal) (5280067-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se.vol22.271(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-13 05:58:20.0 ConfID: 5280068 CauseID: 1413920045 OtherID: 1412082580 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Grandino,null,22,54,2017,Dimensão Relacional na Educação Social: contribuições da psicanálise para a sua compreensão e manejo / Relational Dimension in Social Education: contributions of psychoanalysis to its understanding and management DOI: 10.17346/se.vol0.272(Journal) (5280068-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se.vol22.272(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-13 05:58:20.0 ConfID: 5280069 CauseID: 1413920045 OtherID: 1412082580 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Hernandez,null,22,72,2017,A luta por reconhecimento como processo educativo: Paisagem, Educação Ambiental, Educação Social / The struggle for recognition as an educative process: landscape, environmental education, Social education DOI: 10.17346/se.vol0.273(Journal) (5280069-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se.vol22.273(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-13 05:58:20.0 ConfID: 5280070 CauseID: 1413920045 OtherID: 1412082580 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Medeiros,null,22,92,2017,Arte, lazer e juventude no contexto da educação social / Art, leisure and youth in the context of social education DOI: 10.17346/se.vol0.265(Journal) (5280070-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se.vol22.265(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-13 05:58:20.0 ConfID: 5280071 CauseID: 1413920045 OtherID: 1412082580 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Fonseca,null,22,104,2017,Caracterização da visão de mundo dos universitários: estudo comparativo entre uma universidade brasileira e portuguesa/Characterization of the world vision of university students: a comparative study between a brazilian and portuguese university DOI: 10.17346/se.vol0.254(Journal) (5280071-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se.vol22.254(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-13 05:58:20.0 ConfID: 5280072 CauseID: 1413920045 OtherID: 1412082580 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Gillet,null,22,24,2017,Social education from an european perspective DOI: 10.17346/se.vol0.270(Journal) (5280072-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se.vol22.270(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2017-09-13 05:58:20.0 ConfID: 5280073 CauseID: 1413920045 OtherID: 1412082580 JT: Saber & Educar MD: Gonçalves,null,22,8,2017,Desafios contemporâneos da Educação Social na América Latina e na Europa: diálogos entre prática e teoria / Contemporary challenges for Social Education in Latin America and in Europe: dialogues between practice and theory DOI: 10.17346/se.vol0.274(Journal) (5280073-N ) DOI: 10.17346/se.vol22.274(Journal)