Report date: Apr 23, 2024 Conflict count: 350216 Publisher: Indiana University Press Title count: 20 Conflict count: 277 ========================================================== Created: 2017-10-19 12:01:42.0 ConfID: 5296956 CauseID: 1416155185 OtherID: 313023933 JT: e-Service Journal MD: Rovenpor, 3 ,1,53,2003,Explaining the E-Commerce Shakeout: Why Did So Many Internet-Based Businesses Fail? DOI: 10.1353/esj.2004.0011(Journal) (5296956-N ) DOI: 10.2979/esj.2003.3.1.53(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-10-11 15:31:20.0 ConfID: 6953802 CauseID: 1592621355 OtherID: 1589441428 JT: e-Service Journal MD: Agarwal, 14 ,3,36,2023,Does Your Company Engage Efficiently on Social Media? Improving Performance Using DEA Model and Visualization DOI: 10.2979/esj.2023.a905238(Journal) (6953802-N ) DOI: 10.2979/eservicej.14.3.02(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2023-10-11 15:31:20.0 ConfID: 6953806 CauseID: 1592621355 OtherID: 1589441428 JT: e-Service Journal MD: Larimian, 14 ,3,1,2023,Evolving Towards Mobility-as-a-Service: Drivers and Consequences of Car Subscription Services DOI: 10.2979/esj.2023.a905237(Journal) (6953806-N ) DOI: 10.2979/eservicej.14.3.01(Journal)