Report date: Apr 30, 2024 Conflict count: 350192 Publisher: PAGEPress Publications Title count: 14 Conflict count: 138 ========================================================== Created: 2019-10-01 04:01:30.0 ConfID: 5528575 CauseID: 1455415972 OtherID: 1396624998 JT: Medicina e Morale MD: Pardo Sáenz, 61 ,1,null,2012,The unknown face of in vitro fertilization DOI: 10.4081/mem.2012.146(Journal) (5528575-N ) DOI: 10.4081/mem.2012.148(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-10-15 08:05:31.0 ConfID: 5544888 CauseID: 1456224298 OtherID: 1396624998 JT: Medicina e Morale MD: Rosa, 59 ,1,null,2010,Medicine among métis, phrónesis and téchne DOI: 10.4081/mem.2010.224(Journal) (5544888-N ) DOI: 10.4081/mem.2010.227(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-10-25 05:31:34.0 ConfID: 5548883 CauseID: 1456928825 OtherID: 1396624937 JT: Medicina e Morale MD: Villanueva, 56 ,1,null,2007,Il dibattito in bioetica - ¿Es la eutanasia un acto médico? DOI: 10.4081/mem.2007.333(Journal) (5548883-N ) DOI: 10.4081/mem.2007.336(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-10-29 04:30:33.0 ConfID: 5551704 CauseID: 1457190129 OtherID: 1396624937 JT: Medicina e Morale MD: Di Simone, 55 ,1,null,2006,Gravidanza ed ambito lavorativo DOI: 10.4081/mem.2006.369(Journal) (5551704-N ) DOI: 10.4081/mem.2006.373(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-10-29 04:30:33.0 ConfID: 5551705 CauseID: 1457190129 OtherID: 1396624937 JT: Medicina e Morale MD: Neri, 55 ,1,null,2006,Il dibattito in bioetica - Lo scandaloso fiasco di Seoul DOI: 10.4081/mem.2006.368(Journal) (5551705-N ) DOI: 10.4081/mem.2006.372(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-12-17 09:02:48.0 ConfID: 5567687 CauseID: 1460078801 OtherID: 1396624937 JT: Medicina e Morale MD: Tortoreto, 54 ,1,null,2005,Il principio di precauzione come presupposto per modificare, sospendere o revocare le autorizzazioni concernenti gli organismi geneticamente modificati nell’Unione Europea DOI: 10.4081/mem.2005.423(Journal) (5567687-N ) DOI: 10.4081/mem.2005.427(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-12-17 09:02:48.0 ConfID: 5567688 CauseID: 1460078801 OtherID: 1396624937 JT: Medicina e Morale MD: Tarasco Michel, 54 ,1,null,2005,Medical trends and its influence in the family and corporeity DOI: 10.4081/mem.2005.422(Journal) (5567688-N ) DOI: 10.4081/mem.2005.426(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-12-17 09:02:48.0 ConfID: 5567689 CauseID: 1460078801 OtherID: 1396624937 JT: Medicina e Morale MD: Moltisanti, 54 ,1,null,2005,FIBIP e Internet DOI: 10.4081/mem.2005.421(Journal) (5567689-N ) DOI: 10.4081/mem.2005.425(Journal) ========================================================== Created: 2019-12-17 09:02:48.0 ConfID: 5567690 CauseID: 1460078801 OtherID: 1396624937 JT: Medicina e Morale MD: Miglietta, 54 ,1,null,2005,Helping relationship and personalism DOI: 10.4081/mem.2005.420(Journal) (5567690-N ) DOI: 10.4081/mem.2005.424(Journal)